
My name is David, and I am a neuroscience researcher fascinated by our current understanding of neural function and the incredible advances in neuroscience over the past few years. In this blog, I try to share that fascination through brief posts on current neuroscience research for anyone interested. The published posts are occasionally updated with new papers, so check out the last updated date in each post.

This blog also has more technical resources, such as the patch-clamp tutorials, that I hope may be helpful to undergraduate and new graduate students in neuroscience.

Please feel free to contact me (spikesandbursts at gmail dot com) if you have questions or see any mistakes, I will be happy to make the corrections and improve the blog with your suggestions.

Thank you for visiting the blog!


Twitter. Here I share the blog’s posts and other cool neuroscience news and articles.
Google scholar. List of scientific publications.
Escepticismo o barbarie. Blog on science and skepticism (in Spanish).
Punk rock. Some music I used to play.